Last bus ride to work
A photo of a cool building downtown.
Starting to get very sad about leaving, temporary life-change depression I call it. I also despise moving all my stuff from place to place, so packing this week, even though its very little things, has made me quite angry. But I am sad to be leaving all my new found friends here, the routine my life has become, and of course the beautiful surroundings. I'd like to hope i'll be able to come back someday if I can ever save up enough money for another flight over.. There is still so much I would like to see and experience here. Leaving friends is always hard too.
In other news, Mount Tongariro erupted yesterday, I think it was one of the sites used in the LOTR movies or something, but everyone is all in a frenzy here about it. I don't think many were injured though it is a popular tourist destination this time of the year. Here is a photo from the interwebs
Pretty cool
Today is my last day at Weltech working here, we went out for a nice lunch yesterday at a BBQ place in town (it was super messy and American, which is why I wanted to go there :D ), a good time, food was alright.
This will be my last post from NZ, I go offline after work today then fly out Saturday afternoon (Friday night for you all) and get back into the states Saturday night and start the get readjusted to the time difference process again :/
Thank you, as always, for reading and keeping up with my adventure here :) Its been great and I look forward to where life takes me next..
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