
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Whats been going on lately

I apologize for my tardiness in posting as always... School is finally finished with taking over my life... which I suppose means time for a new blog title. Anyways! Here is what has been going on the last month or so

Capstone modeling building & group sanding parties

Learning how to small-scale fiberglass

Pre-assembly and fitting

Final crit - that happened

Then Daapworks happened

Destroying my old favorite middle school bracelets for my project

Mom and Dad came to the big fancy opening reception

The rest of Daapworks was just amazing as always

Ross bought a puppy - Oakley

We all graduated

And our speaker was terrible

Even Raph dog was dressed for the day

Lots of photos were taken

I rocked a pretty sweet cap

Gabriella got MARRIED! 

Had a pretty crazy graduation party

And stayed up wayyy to late waiting for the Megabus with my bestest Chicago buddy abetti

A racecar was built

Then fixed

And raced at Michigan International Speedway

with a team of 13 graduates without running water for three days, but it was a great time, we finished 36th overall out of 120ish teams. 

Now, I'm frantically working on packing up all of my life once again and applying for big kid jobs as the Cincinnati summer sets in. So much going on but so much more in the weeks to come. Traveling will include Ontario, Virginia, NYC, Nebraska, Colorado, and Georgia and I just cannot wait for all the new adventures :) 

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